01:39:38duration 1 hour 39 minutes
The Education Thematic Group of the 1818 Society…
The Education Thematic Group of the 1818 Society Commemorates EGRA’s 18th Birthday
From Dennis Ocampo bacani
59:48duration 59 minutes 48 seconds
How Can Locally Led Climate Actions Support Just…
How Can Locally Led Climate Actions Support Just Transitions
From Johannes Peter Zimmermann
01:06:13duration 1 hour 6 minutes
MNACE SEMINAR: December 12,2024
From Asma Saleh Al-Hanshali
01:23:25duration 1 hour 23 minutes
Joint ECA-DIME SEMINAR Transforming Healthcare…
Joint ECA-DIME SEMINAR Transforming Healthcare and Governance Through Government Data
From Suzette Dahlia Samms-Lindsay
59:45duration 59 minutes 45 seconds
Documentary Film and Q&A: ‘Facing the…
Documentary Film and Q&A: ‘Facing the Falls’ The Story of Cara Yar Khan [Virtual session]
From Linda Dora Adhiambo Ackel
01:32:40duration 1 hour 32 minutes
Looking back at COP 29 in Baku: What was…
Looking back at COP 29 in Baku: What was Achieved; What was Not
54:17duration 54 minutes 17 seconds
Mujeres en movimiento: desafíos y…
Mujeres en movimiento: desafíos y oportunidades de la movilidad humana en América Latina y el Caribe
From Raquel Melgar Calderon
01:29:10duration 1 hour 29 minutes
BBL: Education Finance Watch 2024
From Gemma Rodon Casarramona
03:33:34duration 3 hours 33 minutes
Managing Integrity Risks with State-Owned…
Managing Integrity Risks with State-Owned Enterprises
From Prem Vasan Ganesh
03:07:40duration 3 hours 7 minutes
Learn Blue | Enhancing Aquaculture Through…
Learn Blue | Enhancing Aquaculture Through Geospatial Technology: Laying the Foundations for Effective Governance across Three Continents
From Dijana Ferizovic